Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Trend For Diamond | Ruby Wedding Rings

These diamond and ruby wedding rings come in all kinds of interesting and creative designs. One of the most popular styles of engagement ring is the single large solitary ruby that is set in a band of diamonds. This color scheme then can be complimented by a ring of white diamonds, red rubies or a ruby and diamond circlet that serves as the wedding band. The visual effect of the blood red ruby wedding band is particularly startling against the whiteness of a diamond. It is also flattering on any color of skin.

So why choose a ruby and diamond wedding ring over just diamonds? It might just have to do with the symbolism of the color red. Red symbolizes love, warmth and vitality. In Feng Shui it is considered to be the color of prosperity. It also looks particularly good cut in a heart shape and surrounded by diamonds in the ring. The diamond and ruby wedding ring is also very romantic. The glittering red ruby provides stark contrast to the glittering white diamonds, kind of like Snow White and Rose Red.

Diamond and ruby wedding rings also have a bit of a cachet when it comes to being popular with the funky or new age set. A ruby band is the perfect gift of jewellry for a woman who is a Buddhist or Hindu. This is because for the longest time, rubies came from India. In fact in Sanskrit, the Ruby is called the "ratnarj" which means the "King of the Gemstones." The color of a ruby is greatly determined by where it comes from. For instance the orange and bluish hue of the Burmese Ruby is particular to gem stones from Burma and the ancient mines from the Mogok Stone Track (also known as the Valley of Rubies) in the North of Myanmar India.

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