Diamond and ruby wedding rings also have a bit of a cachet when it comes to being popular with the funky or new age set. A ruby band is the perfect gift of jewellry for a woman who is a Buddhist or Hindu. This is because for the longest time, rubies came from India. In fact in Sanskrit, the Ruby is called the "ratnarj" which means the "King of the Gemstones." The red color of a ruby can be attributed to the presence of a combination of or any number of the following elements in the stone: iron, titanium, vanadium and chrome. Rubies that contain chrome have the deepest red color. However they are also the smallest rubies as too much of this element causes the stones to crack while they are growing. That is why it is so rare to find a large bright red ruby. In fact the smaller the ruby you buy, the more chrome it is likely to contain and the redder it is likely to be.
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