When you spend this kind of money, it is important to figure out what's right for you in terms of style, form and function, and quality. With these things in mind, check out these great places to buy cheap wedding rings:
Goldspeed.com - This place is well known for its discount wedding bands. It has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, and even Internet Retailer's Top 50 retailers (Best of the Web 2006). They have over 28,000 items up to 78% off retail price. They also offer free shipping for purchases over $200.
Overstock.com - This place has discounts on rings, some sold up to 80% off the retail price! To give you an idea of what that looks like, a ring sold for $650.00 at retail only costs $179.99 at overstock.com (72% off). Each wedding band shows the markdown percentage, retail price, as well as the overstock price so you know exactly what you are saving. You can shop by metal type, bride's rings, groom's rings, or top sellers. Overstock.com prices because they buy excess inventory from manufacturers.
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