Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Loose Diamonds - Most Popular Diamond Cuts

round diamond cutRound

For almost 100 years, cutters have been perfecting their art in effort to achieve the grandeur and luster of the round diamond.

asscher diamond cutAsscher

A uniquely modified square Emerald. Being a trademark design cut, Asscher diamonds are short in supply and highly sought-after.

princess diamond cutPrincess

Brilliant, square diamonds with no trimmed corners. An extremely popular choice for engagement rings.

radiant diamond cutRadiant

Rare and unique, the Radiant Diamond features beautiful barely trimmed corners. This blazing cut makes an exceptional choice.

cushion diamond cutCushion

Gently rounded like a cushion, this exceptional cut has been in high demand for over a century as a solitaire.

pear diamond cut


Pear shaped diamonds go back to the 1400s. These stones are most popular as engagement rings & pendants.

marquise diamond cutMarquise

This slim and point-ended cut, set parallel to the finger & often embellished by accent stones. Popular for wedding rings.

heart diamond cutHeart

The heart shape is mostly in demand in recent years for pendants. High color level is important as it is visible at the corners.

oval diamond cutOval

Elegant and luminous, oval diamonds compliment feminine fingers, and are usually extremely fashionable among small-handed women.

emerald diamond cutEmerald

A rectangular cut of the emerald diamonds featuring trimmed corners and rectangular facets, popular when set with accent stones.

triangle diamond cutTriangle

Also "Trilliant Diamonds", these stones are often used in stud earrings. Chosen wisely, this cut can be a splendid center stone.

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