Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Pictures, Pictures, and You Guessed it, More Pictures!

They say a picture is worth a thousand I have included a lot of pictures in this post, and few words....I think you'll all get the gist....this is what I have been up to in the month of April. First up, more lovely photo's from my day with the Pfattie's~

I was sneaky and snapped a pic of Iva and Colleen when they weren't looking ....shhhhhhh don't tell! :) They both found some fabulous treasures that day!

And here they are...the Pfattie's!
My little guy isn't so little anymore...Simon turned 5 on Monday the 28th....Happy Birthday Simon! :) Oh, and if you're wondering why there are more than 5 candle's on the cake, it's because we celebrated my mom's birthday too, which was on the 26th.
Roller coaster fun with Dad.....
Hangin' with Spongebob at Great America!
Being silly with Mom.....
Updated mural pictures....

This painting represents the preschool that Simon's a work in progress, designed by one of his classmates, a talented 5 year old girl named Jamie
Here is the start of my Thomas the Tank painting..Simon Loves Thomas!
This is the school district logo...we painted it on a separate board and then mounted it to the wall
Here's how it looks currently~

Aye Mateys~ don't miss the Swashbuckler Soiree this Saturday May 3rd, or ye be walkin' the plank!
I am working on some new pieces for Donna's Soiree this Saturday, so please drop by and join in on the fun!

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