Where did the month go? It flew by so quickly, I am sitting here thinking what did I accomplish this month, and I can't believe that it's almost August already! I am always running behind, ever the procrastinator, and this month was no different. It's always one of my yearly resolutions, to be more organized, and manage my time better so that I can be more productive, but as with a lot of resolutions, I don't always stick with it. I am a lot better than I was years ago, so maybe my small incremental improvements are helping. I am looking forward to August, and hoping to be a LOT more productive than I was in July! We'll see.... :)
If you get a chance, please stop by Lynda's blog as she is having a give-away of some lovely postcards! Post a comment, and you will be entered in her drawing on August 1st. Also, please take a peek at Suzanne's blog, as she has some exciting news about her new website that she is launching on August 1st! She is a marvelous painter, and I just love her "painter of the week" posts. Very fascinating!
I am working on some new winter designs for my licensing company ESC Trading Company Inc. and when those are completed, I will be starting new Fall and Halloween items that will be offered for sale. I'll be back soon with some "works in progress" pictures for you! Please email me if you would like to be added to my mailing list, as I will be sending out an email when I have my new items finished.